Living with bulged/herniated discs, nerve pain, diverticulitis (or any gut inflammation), brain fog?
You don't have to...try our PEMF-Lymphatic sessions.
(Price: $30 for 30 minutes)
Get a deeper reaching lymphatic massage than our regular lymphatic sessions with some hands-on techniques.
Follow the link to learn more about PEMF-Lymphatic, or simply click on the sidebar menu.
Manual Therapy with Alignments
(Price: $100 for 1st hour, $1/min after)
- - for mobile sessions, add $30 - -
We check and align:
These are not chiropractic adjustments, so no force will be used. Techniques used:
Follow the links to learn more about FDM or MET, or check the sidebar menu.
Lymphatic Massage
(Price: $80 usually 40-50 minutes)
- - for mobile sessions, add $30 - -
Lymphatic is useful in cases of:
Follow the link for an in-depth look at the lymphatic system.